A Basic Guide to Multifocal Lenses

by Mar 18, 2021

As you get older, the chance to develop presbyopia also increases. Presbyopia is a refractive eye error similar to farsightedness–but one that only comes about as people age. If you find yourself enlarging the text on your phone, or you are starting to hold a book at arm’s length, then there is a possibility this eye condition has begun to affect you. The good news is that there is a simple and effective way to alleviate your symptoms. Just turn to Perception Eyecare + Eyewear for a comprehensive eye exam and we can determine whether you are a viable candidate for multifocal lenses.

A Basic Guide to Multifocal Lenses

What are Multifocal Lenses?

These refer to eyewear that helps correct poor vision resulting from presbyopia. While this refractive error does not have a permanent cure, using multifocal lenses do help make reading, sewing, working in front of the computer, and other tasks easier. As long as you wear them, you will be able to maintain a clear vision for longer. Multifocal lenses come in three types, including:

  • Bifocal, which serves as both reading glasses and eyeglasses to help correct distance vision.
  • Trifocal, which is what you use when working in front of a computer since a middle portion of the lens can correct intermediate vision.
  • Progressive, which is lighter and thinner, and offers a gradual change in power from the top of the lens, to the bottom. This allows for smoother progression from one vision correction to another.

A trusted eye doctor like Perception Eyecare + Eyewear can help you decide which multifocal lenses work best for your vision needs.

What to Expect and How to Adjust

Wearing multifocal lenses will take some getting used to. For instance, they fit differently compared to regular eyeglasses. To ensure they work properly in correcting your immediate or distance vision–and you will be comfortable wearing them–precise measurements by your eye doctor is needed. Another thing to expect is that you will need to consciously train your eyes where to look, and change the way you hold reading material or hold your head when focusing your gaze. These are big adjustments that you will have to learn in order to see things at varying distances correctly. To make it easier to adjust, you should consider the following:

  • Wear your multifocals all the time, at least for a while to give your eyes some time to adapt.
  • Avoid looking down as you walk when you are wearing multifocals.
  • Make sure your multifocals are customized to fit your face properly.
  • Train yourself not to make big, sudden movements as you read using your multifocals.

Perception Eyecare + Eyewear offers only the highest quality eyewear available today. With our multifocal lenses, we will alleviate your vision concerns so you can enjoy clearer and better eyesight every day. We serve the areas in and around Richardson, TX. Call us today at [company_phone] or fill out this contact form to schedule your eye consultation.

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